I read "unChirstian, What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters," David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons, Baker Books, 2007.

Herein, I have typed those parts of the book I underlined while reading. Dwayne Phillips


Chapter 1 - The Backstory, Seeing Christianity from the Outside

"...they reject Jesus because they feel rejected by Christians." p. 11

"Often outsiders' perceptions of Christianity reflect a church infatuated with itself." p. 14

"We are not responsible for outsiders' decisions, but we are accountable when our actions and attitudes..have pushed outsiders away." p. 14

This book concentrates on the views of 16 to 29 year olds. p. 15

"...the title of this book, unChristian, reflects outsiders' most common reaction to the faith: they think Christians no longer represent what Jesus had in mind, that Christianity in our society is not what it was meant to be." p. 15

"Christianity has become bloated with blind followers who would rather repeat slogans than actually feel true compassion and care." p. 15

"While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church. 1 Corinthians 8:1" p. 16

Mosaics - those born between 1984 and 2002. p. 17

Busters - those born between 1965 and 1983. p. 17

40% of the people aged 16 to 29 are non-Christians. This is 24 million people in the U.S. p. 18

16 to 29 year-old Christians are also skeptical of Christianity. p. 18

Chapter 2 - Discovering unChristian Faith

"Those who think that in due time Mosaics and Busters will 'grow up' and look like everyone else should prepare to have unfulfilled expectations." p. 22

"...our tracking research suggests that today young people are less likely to return to church later, even when they become parents." p. 23

"Our most recent data show that young outsiders have lost much of their respect for the Christian faith. These days ... 38 percent claim to have a 'bad impression of present-day Christianity.'" p. 24

"...the vast majority of outsiders have been to Christian churches and have heard the message of Christ." p. 26

"What they react negatively to is our 'swagger.'" p. 26

"We (Christians) have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for." p. 26

My Comment: The young outsiders have been in church and have an idea of Christ. They say that Christians are not like Christ. We can pick apart this line of thinking, but that intellectual victory will not bring people closer to Christ.

"Six Broad Themes (young outsiders have against Christians), we are

The outsiders' perceptions are in part due to background factors that include:

"Outsiders told us that the underlying concern of Christians often seems more about being right than about listening." p. 33

"Among young adults who participate regularly in Christian church, many share some of the same negative perceptions as outsiders." p. 33

"They (young Christians) don't fear being unpopular, but they feel that raising the Christian flag would actually undermine their ability to connect with people and to maintain credibility with them." p. 35

My comment: admitting to be a Christian is like admitting to be stupid.

"The real problem comes when we (Christians) recognize God's holiness but fail to articulate the other side of his character: grace." p. 36

"Mosaics and Busters rarely see Christians who embody service, compassion, humility, forgiveness, patience, kindness, peace, joy, goodness, and love." p. 37

"...there are four reasons why perceptions (of the young outsiders) matter:

Chapter 3 - Hypocritical

"Perception: Christians say one thing but live something entirely different." p. 41

"New Perception: Christians are transparent about their flaws and act first, talk second." p. 41

"Everyone is church gave me advice about how to reaise my son, but a lot of the time they seemed to be reminding me that I have no husband - and besides, most of them were not following their own advice. It made it hard to care what they said. They were not practicing what they preached. Victoria, age 24." p. 41

"Eighty-five percent of young outsiders have had sufficient exposure to Christians and churches that they conclude present-day Christianity is hypocritical." p. 42

"Like their own choices and priorities, they (young outsiders) believe that everyone says and does whatever is necessary to get ahead." p. 44

"They (young outsiders) perceive us (Christians) as employing the same tactics as everyone else to preserve an appearance of strength." p. 45

"So how did Christians acquire a hypocritical image in America today? Let's start with the most obvious reason: our lives don't match our beliefs. In many ways, our lifestyles and perspectives are no different from those of anyone around us." p. 46

"...born-again Christians fail to display much attitudinal or behavioral evidence of transformed lives." p. 47

"...I believe, one of the most important findings of our research for this book: among young outsiders, 84 percent say they personally know at least one committed Christian. Yet just 15 percent thought the lifestyles of those Christ followers were significantly different from the norm. This gap (15 to 84 percent) speaks volumes." p. 48

"The most common message people hear from us is that Christianity is a religion of rules and regulations." p. 48

My comment: rules and regulations is NOT New Testament Christianity. NT Christianity is governed by a few simple principles like love God and love one another. Perhaps we over emphasize the verse "if you love me you will keep my commandments."

Galatians 5:13-25  13You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 15If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

"The unChristian faith - hypocritical, judgmental, and full of empty moral striving - is what Paul warned his readers about! And it is part of the reason we are known as hypocrites." p. 52

"Another significant antidote to hypocrisy (in addition to integrity and purity) is transparency." p. 54

"Transparency simply means admitting what the Bible says about us: we are fallen people who desperately need God in our lives - everyday." p. 55

"Transparency disarms an image-is-everything generation." p. 56

"Instead, the Christian way to appraoch transparency is to realize our candidness should be motivatedby a desire to have a pure heart before God and others." p. 57

"...the outcome of our transparency should be restoration...Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed - James 5:16" p. 57

"The problem is the air of moral superiority many of us carry around." p. 61

"...we attack people's behavioral patterns rather than love them as people." p. 61

"...it's an age-old story: the drug kingpin knows their name, and the pastor does not." p. 63

"The church wants them neat and clean, but the streets take them as they are." p. 64

"Standards and rules without sacrifice and solidarity is hypocrisy." p. 65

"Simply put, we must stop presenting ourselves as the message and begin presenting Jesus as the message." p. 66

Chapter 4 - Get Saved

"Perception - Christians are insincere and concerned only with converting others." p. 67

"New Perception - Christians cultivate relationships and environments where others can be deeply transformed by God." p. 67

"...young outsiders feel they know what Christians want before any words are uttered." p. 68

"Only one-third of young outsiders believe that Christians genuinely care about them (34 percent). And most Christians are oblivious to these perceptions - 64 percent of Christians said they believe that outsiders would perceive their efforts as genuine." p. 68-69

"...he (a Christian) invited me to a Bible study, and that was all he wanted to talk about. When I said, 'No thanks,' I never heard from him again." p. 69

"The most effective efforts to share faith are interpersonal and relationship based...71 percent listed an individual (responsible for their decision to accept Jesus Christ)." p. 70

"True respect for people is a key factor in effective evangelism...The Lord's servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone...They should gently teach those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will believe the truth. 2 Timothy 2:24-25. This scripture reminds us that people commit to Christ because God changes their hearts." p. 71-71

"...the vast majority of outsiders in this country, particularly among young generations, are actually de-churched individuals." p. 74

"...we will not be effective with Busters and Mosaics if we do not address the problem of superficial faith." p. 76

"Our enthusiasm for evangelism is not matched by our passion for and patience with discipleship and faith formation." p. 77

"...many outsiders actually miss the chance to experience true life in Christ bexause we cheapen the message of Jesus to church membership or denominational loyalty." p.79

"This requires us to focus our attention on spiritual transformation - or spiritual formation, as some describe it." p. 79

"...spiritual formation is about depth rather than simplistic formulas...One way of looking at spiritual formation...these seven elements:

  1. worshiping god intimately and passionately
  2. engaging in spiritual friendships with other believers
  3. pursuing faith in the context of family
  4. embracing intentional forms of spiritual growth
  5. serving others
  6. investing time and resources in spiritual pursuits
  7. have faith-based conversations with outsiders" p. 80

"What else should spiritual transformation produce in the lives of Christ followers? Here are three outcomes we should consider/

  1. Thinking - Romans 12:2 ...let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think...teenagers...have not been taught to think.
  2. Loving
  3. Listening...soft-heartedness...listening to what God is telling us, within the context of Scripture, prayer, crises, and relationships." p. 81-82

"Transformation (spiritual formation) is a process, a journey, not a one-time decision. This resonates with Mosaics and Busters." p. 82

"When people become Christians, we must describe appropriate expectations for them; engage them in significant, accountable relationships; and fashion environments where deep life change can take place." p. 82

"...we learn that relationships are the key - not just in leading people to Christ but also in helping them be transformed." p. 83

"...we focus on cultivating relationships with people and developing environments that facilitate deep spiritual transformation." p. 84

"Consider the rise of the Christians during the Roman era. People were drawn to Christians, not because of evangelistic outreaches or crusages, or through mass media - those didn't exist. The church grew because Christians were doing the gospel and had a community - a local church - where people really loved each other." p. 87

"I think we would put the emphasis on developing relationships with nonbelievers, serving them, loving them, and making them feel accepted. Only then would we earn the right to share the gospel. Their acceptance by us would not be predicated on their willingness to accept Christ. After all, God loved us before we were lovable." p. 88

"Here's my advice to Christians who want to change culture's perception of Christianity: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." p. 88

"The sad thing is that when we (Christians) go out and love people ... without an agenda of getting a 'return' for our time - this is considered revolutionary. I think this should be the norm, and we have so much to learn in doing it better. If we share the gospel and people reject Jesus, do we quit loving them?" p. 90

Chapter 5 - Anti-Homosexual

"Perception - Christians show contempt for gays and lesbians" p. 91

"New Perception - Christians show compassion and love to all people, regardless of their lifestyle" p. 91

"More than...Mosaic and Buster outsiders...91 %..said 'antihomosexual' accurately describes present-day Christianity." pp.92-93

"When most of us (Christians) engage homosexuals, we come across as arrogant, self-righteous, and uncaring - the opposite of how Jesus engaged outsiders." p. 93

"Born-again Christians are more likely to disapprove of homosexuality than divorce." p. 94

"HIV/AIDS...They (Christians) believe God is punishing these people..." p. 95

"There is not a special judgment for homosexuals, and there is not a special righteousness for heterosexuals." pp. 95-96

"Consider some fo the inaccurate assumptions Christians embrace:

"In our research, 3% of people in America admits to being gay, lesbian, or bisexual." p. 99

"...most Americans have no sympathy for the plight of homosexuals...But when it comes to Mosaics and Busters, it's a completely different story." p. 99

"...young people are facing a candid, sexually diverse world, often without assistance or biblical counsel from their churches or their parents." p. 103

"One of the enduring truths of Christianity is to love people the world sets up as your enemies." p. 104

"...(Christians should) develop a process within your church or within your life that allows people to work through sexual issues in a context of accountability, respect, and transparency." p. 104

"A vital element of engaging homosexuals is to elevate the importance of conversations. Christians expect overnight results and are impatient with the need to cultivate deep, candid relationships and interactions of trust." p. 105

"It's interesting that our (Christians') antennae don't go up when people admit to gluttony, lying, using pornography, or getting a divorce, but we seem fixated on homosexuality." p. 105

"If the people of Jesus attack, mock, and criticize a child's (homosexual) parents, the chances that the child will ever commit his or her life to Christ are diminished." p. 107

"If our concern is that loving and serving them might somehow condone their behavior, we probably do not love people the way Christ does." p. 107

"...1 Corinthians 13...love is patient and kind. It does not keep a record of wrongs...Love never fails." p. 107

"Tell you what, you don't assume I'm a gay-hating bigot, and I won't assume you're a pedophile. Deal? If we buy into stereotypes, we'll never be able to love one another." p. 110

"I find it ironic that so many are quick to point out the sin of homosexuality and its connection to AIDS but will gladly overlook the sin of obesity, which is directly linked to the disease of diabetes." p. 116

"We...deal with sin when people are at a place where they are ready to follow God." p. 116

Chapter 6 - Sheltered

"Perception - Christians are boring, unintelligent, old-fashioned, and out of touch with reality." p. 121

"New Perception - Christians are engaged, informed, and offer sophisticated responses to the issues people face." p. 121

"Christianity is perceived as separated from real spiritual vitality and mystery. It seems like a religion of rules and standards...Christianity is so predictable...The image of being sheltered means the Christian faith seems dull, flat, and lifeless." p. 123

"Christianity stifles curiosity. People become unwilling to face their doubts and questions. It makes people brain-dead." p. 123

"...Christians are not speaking on the same level as everyone else. Nearly one-quarter describe Christians as using special words and phrases no one else can understand." p. 123

"Mosaics and Busters thrive on unexpected experiences and enjoy searching for new sources of input." p. 125

"...young people...have grown up as one of the most 'protected' generations ever...seems to fuel their willingness to defy the 'safe' life, the routine, and try something new, especially if it means they can break free from parental boundaries..." p. 125

"...life itself is really too complicated to grasp. These ideas are twice as common among Mosaics and Busters as they were in their parents' generation." p. 125

"A faith that does not effectively address convoluted and thorny issues seems out of tune with a generation asking big questions and expressing candid doubts. Spirituality that is merely focused on do's and don'ts rings hollow." p. 126

"They (Mosaics and Busters) enjoy being around people who do not share their take on life, in order to push and expand their opinions." p. 126

"Consider the world inhabited by young adults:

"The activities that were on the fringe for Boomers now define the lifestyles of the Busters." p. 129

"There are remarkable opportunities for God to exert himself. He works best when people's lives are messy and out of whack." p. 129

"As Christ followers, will we get excited about what God can do or will we turn to the unChristian response and shelter ourselves from a culture that offends us?" p. 130

"So many Christians are caught up in the Christian sub-culture and are completely closed off from the world. We go to church...Wednesdays, Sundays, Saturdays...small groups...Tuesdays...Sunday school advisory board...financial committee...welcoming committee...Even if we wanted to reach out to nonChristians, we don't have time and we don't know how. They only way we know how to reach out is to invite people to join in our Christian social circle." p. 130

"We are responsible to engage the world...light of the world...salt of the earth...(God's heart to the community)..." p. 131

"Being offended is also the wrong response to the challenges of a new generation." p. 131

"We have a responsibility to help people in desperate situations." p. 132

"The lion's den made Daniel famous...He was prepared...It is incumbent on us to develop our hearts and  minds so that we can fulfill our destiny as agents of spiritual, moral, and cultural transformation." p. 132

"Being salt and light demands...we practice purity...we live in proximity to this fallen world...if you only practice purity...you...become pietistic, separatist, and conceited..." p. 133

"You don't just make friends with young people...You'd have to make a commitment to being a part of their lives...like quitting your job...to serve as a missionary." p. 134

"...the perception that Christians are sheltered is most significant among the subculture of intellectuals and influentials...Christians are ignorant and uninformed...judgmental, old-fashioned...insensitive to others." p. 135

"Oh yeah, and (Christians should) buy a subscription to the New Yorker." p. 141

"Too many churches expect unchurched people to come to them, but the church is called to go to unchurced people." p. 145

"The next generation struggles with Christians who talk about the problems facing the world but don't do anything to stop them. If we were authentic, we would actually take our faith into the hard places of the world rather than try to build a safe shelter away from them." p. 147

"Take the first step: who in your family, your neighborhood, or your school is hurting? Stand with them and then expand the circle of your compassion to your city, the nation, and then the world." p. 148

Chapter 7 Too Political

"Perception - Christians are primarily motivated by a political agenda and promote right-wing politics" p. 153

"New Perception - Christians are characterized by respecting people, thinking biblically, and finding solutions to complex issues." p. 153

"We (Christians) are representatives of Jesus to every person in our culture." p. 155

"Three-quarters of young outsiders and half of young churchgoers describe present-day Christianity as 'too involved in politics.'" p. 155

"...(we) do not want to discourage Christ followers from participating in politics." p. 157

"Christian voters are frequent victims of oversimplification...Christians who do not appreciate the complexities of the nation's population also make sweeping generalizations." p. 158

"...as many born-again Christians...will cast a ballot as registered Democrats as will vote as Republicans." p. 160

"...political activism on the part of outsiders is not dead set against Christians." p. 160

"Even if we are speaking from the context of a biblical worldview, many will not interpret our comments from that same perspective. So it is incumbent on us to present things clearly, creatively, and without cliches'." p. 162

"To understand the Mosaics and Buster mindset...

"(Christians show) an agressive political strategy that demonizes segments of society." p. 166

"Here are some ways to bring balance to our political engagement

unChristian - Christians rely too heavily on political influence.

Christlike - We are cautious not to place too much emphasis on politics.

unChristian - Christians get enamored with politics.

Christlike - There is nothing gained by winning elections if we lose our soul in the process.

unChristian - Christians drown out and demonize the voices of others.

Christlike - Respect our enemies and me aware of our capacity for myopia.

unChristian - Christians do not respect leaders whose political viewpoint is different from their own.

Christlike - Respect and listen to our leaders and pray for them.

unChristian - Christians are hypocrites when it comes to politics.

Christlike - In trying to solve problems in society, be vigilant about our own capacity for hypocrisy." pp. 168-170

"It is as much the perception of a sin of omission (the issues not addressed) by the Religious Right that is causing them to disaffiliate as it is a sin oc commission (the tactics and positions)." p. 177

Chapter 8 Judgmental

"Christians talk about hating sin and loving sinners, but the way they go about things, they might as well call it what it is. They hate the sin and the sinner." p. 181

"Perception - Christians are prideful and quick to find faults in others." p. 181

"New Perception - Christians show grace by finding the good in others and seeing their potential to be Christi followers." p. 181

"Christians like to here themselves talk. They are arrogant about their beliefs, but they never bother figuring out what other people actually think. They don't seem to be very compassionate..." p. 182

"To be judgmental is to point out something that is wrong in someone else's life..." p. 182

"Nine out of every ten young outsiders...judgmental...describes Christianity." p. 182

"...judgmental attitudes are...difficult for Mosaics and Busters...they are insightful about people's motives...resistant to simplistic, black-and-white views of the world." p. 183

"...we (Christians) miss the point of reflecting Jesus to outsiders because we are too busy catering to the expectations of other believers." p. 186

"Four forms of judgmental attitudes

  1. Wrong verdict - God's judgments about people are perfect, ours are not...outsiders feel stereotyped.
  2. Wrong timing in 1 Corinthians 5:12 Pauls informs the Christian community that they have no responsibility to judge outsiders.
  3. Wrong motivation - we (Christians) should be motivated by love.
  4. Playing favorites - see James 2:1, this is sin." pp. 187-190

"...stereotypes kill relationships..." p. 190 This is the simple old cliche about judging a book by its cover.

"Would you be eager to hear the input of a person who thinks he or she is always...right, who often gives you an earful of unsolicited advice, and who does not seem particularly interested in your opinions?" p. 192

"Romans 2:1,4 You may be saying, 'What terrible people you have been talking about!' But you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you do these very same things...Don't you realize how kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Or don't you care? Can't you see how kind he has been in giving you time to turn from your sin?" p. 193

"Outsiders understand the nuances of different situations, and we discovered that, when their Christian peers gave them input within the context of relationship and with respect...they appreciated it." p. 194

"Outsiders suggested the following guidelines for facilitating mutual esteem:

"...the opposite of sin is not virtue; it is grace." p. 195

"Some sin is more visible than others, but we all do it. I have no right to judge anyone..." p. 196

"It is not my job to change them (outsiders) or judge them. It is my job to love them and point them to the love of Jesus." p. 198

"...we (Christians) take God's laws...and then place them on people who don't even believe in God." p. 199

"...it appears..the secular world is capable of 'doing grace' better than we (Christians) are...Forgiveness, compassion, and second chances are common occurrences (outside of Christianity)" p. 202

Chapter 9 From unChristian to Christian

"to shift our reputation, Christ followers must learn to respond to people in the way Jesus did." p. 206

"I would like to suggest four insights...

Respond with the right perspective - Jesus had the right perspective when facing criticism...be more concerned with what happens in you that what happens to you.

Connect with people...the negative image of Christians can be overcome...in the context of meaningful, trusting, relationships.

Be Creative - Mosaics and Busters are practically begging for creative expressions of the gospel...we have to find new stories, new parables, new ways of telling the timeless truths...Using tired expressions and cliches' make us seem not only old-fashioned by simpleminded...effective and clear expression of what it means to be a Christ follower...no interest in hearing 'the-Bible-says-so' arguments...I never once mentioned the Bible, because it means nothing to him. I was trying to make him think.

Serve People - to look more like Christ-followers, we must cultivate deep concern and sensitivity to outsiders...halt our (Christians') vain efforts to preserve self-image and start trying to be agents of restoration through self-sacrifice and in blessing the lives of outsiders...(the young outsiders) need to experience faith that is expressed toward others. They want to do more than learn about faith; they want to live it." pp. 206-215

"We have lost sight of being for Jesus rather than against outsiders." p. 217

From Isaiah 58 "I will tell you why! ...you are fasting to please yourselves...What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me...No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help." p. 218

"...to rebuild our lives and restore our nation, we have to recover love and concern for others." p. 219

"...the church has lost its ability and willingness to love and accept people who are not part of the 'insider' club." p. 219

"We want them to become mature Christ followers, though we are unwilling to submit to the significant task of our own spiritual formation." p. 219

Afterward The New Perceptions

"To outsiders the word Christian has more in common with a brand than a faith...an increasing use of the term Christian to label music, clothes, schools, political action groups, and more." p. 223

From "How Now Shall we Live?" by Charles Colson and Nancy Perarcey, "God cares not only about redeeming souls but also about restoring his creation. He calls us to be agents not only of his saving grace but also of his common grace. Our job is not only to build up the church but also to build a society to the glory of God. As agents of God's common grace, we are called to help sustain and renew his creation, to uphold the created institutions of family and society, to pursue science and scholarship, to create works of art and beauty, and to heal and help those suffering from the results of the Fall." pp. 223-224

"...focusing on conversion over discipleship have contributed greatly to Christianity's perception problem." p. 224

"It may require letting go of the baggage that surrounds ardent denominationalism, or decisively stepping away from the comfortable Christian subculture. It could mean taking the risk of being labeled 'worldly' or 'liberal'..." p. 225

"...the future of Christian love ought to involve:

"My prayer is that folowers of Jesus Christ would walk through life demonstrating a surprising lack of fear and great humility and courage. This would give the world a more realistic expression of who Jesus Christ is." p. 232

"Jesus followers need to simply be friends with those outside the church." p. 232

"I would hope people would look at us and say, 'Those Christians are the ones who run in when everyone else is running out." p. 233

"...the two greatest hungers in the world are for authentic, life-changing faith...and social justice." p. 235

"...the church's mandate will never change... (1) know and love God (worship), (2) love each other (fellowship), (3) grow in Christ-likeness (discipleship), (4) serve God by serving others (ministry), and (5) share the good news (evangelism). These five eternal purposes are modeled by the first church in Acts 2, mentioned in Jesus' prayer for us in John 17, explained by Paul in Ephesians 4, but are best summarized in Jesus' great commandment and the Great Commission." pp.244-245

Some of my comments

My Comment: Instead of saying, "I don't tolerate profanity in my office" (judgmental), how about "I sense a lot of frustration in those words. Would you like to talk about it?" (caring). Note, don't say "in your words" (pointing at you), say "in those words" (pointing at the words).

Mission work to the mosaics - put people into local schools via substitute teachers. Pay the substitutes to supplement their salaries and benefits. This puts them into the community.

Love a person. If they come to Christ today, still love them. If they don't today, still love them. Still love them regardless.

We must concentrate on spiritual formation for everyone.

We must acknowledge that loyalty to a denomination (or a non-denomination) is a thing of the past.

The young outsiders much prefer process or journey over product or destination. Much of our view has been, "You are baptized, BAM! You are a Christian (a product). Instead, how about "You are baptized. You begin a journey of spiritual development."

For example, what do we usually ask people? "Have you been baptized? or Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?" Good questions, but they are questions about a product or destination. Instead, ask "How are you on your journey with Jesus Christ?" This is a question about a process or journey. This is also a non-judgmental question with a yes or no answer. Every person has some type of journey with Jesus Christ and can answer this question.

Young outsiders love their (homosexual) friends. Young outsiders see Christians hating their (homosexual) friends. The result is predictable as the Young outsiders side with their (homosexual) friends. Young outsiders see their homosexual friends as more loving and caring than Christians.

Dealing with sexual sins, look back at Jesus and the woman caught in adultery.

Christianity is rules and standards. The very things Christ taught against.

Young people see life as complex. They hear Christians giving the same answer over and over. This makes Christians seem stupid and boring. The same thing over and over and over.

Christians spend our time with other Christians, for good reason. But it is awful if we are so weak that we cannot step out into the world where non-Christians are living. We aren't children anymore. We should be strong adults. Kids have things they should not do, should not see, should not hear, should not touch, and so on.

The National Community Church (Washington D.C.) operates one of the biggest coffee shops in D.C. It is a third place.

The quote from p. 130 about being in our Christian subculture so much reminds me of  our budget-creation process.

Christians can and should disagree on political positions as in "I disagree with the candidate on this issue." Care should be taken NOT to attack the person who we should love as in "That candidate is a 'servant of Satan' or 'devil' or 'a minister of evil' or some other such.

On being judgmental, the Covey principle "seek to understand (the other) before being understood" actually comes from the Bible. I need to find the reference, but I have read it several places, most likely in Psalms and Proverbs.

Much of what the Mosaics and Busters believe has been taught to them by the world. As a Christian, I don't like that and I wish the world had not been given the opportunity to lead this generation astray. That, however, is already done. Telling the young people that the world taught them wrong is something for another day if ever. My responsibility as a Christian does not change - I am to love them now as they are without passing judgment.

No more cliches' (this requires thought) and no more "Bible words" or Bible expressions (this requires thought)

We need to first stop "eating our own." Criticizing and labeling someone who disagrees with me on the meaning of a passage. Refusing to associate with other such Christians.

The word "Christian" has become an adjective instead of a noun: