Updated 2 April, 2023 d.phillips@computer.org
I use this website to record things about my walk with Christ. I hope to have a blog or two linked to this site where I put some thoughts every few days. I will also use this space in some local church work. It usually helps to have a place on the web to put things.
I have a blog wherein I put what I call "Contemplative Bible Readings." This is a place where I put thoughts that come to me when I read a particular verse of the Bible. The blog is here.
A Book

My father, Neal Phillips, was a minister of the Gospel for all his adult life. About ten years after his death, I put a set of his sermons into a book published by iUniverse.com . It is also available through Barnes and Noble as well as Amazon.com.
Reading the Bible Study Notes
I have created a few Bible studies in which I merely take notes of what is in the book of the Bible I am reading.
Book Notes
Now and then I read a book or two on subjects related to this site. Here are links to some of those books.
- "Mere Christianity," by C.S. Lewis
- "Blue Like Jazz," by Donald Miller
- "Linchpin, Are You Indispensable," by Seth Godin
- "They Like Jesus but not the Church," by Dan Kimball.
- "The Kids are Alright," by John C. Beck and Mitchell Wade.
- "The Dumbest Generation," by Mark Baurlein.
- "The Lord of the Rings," by J.R.R. Tolkien.
- "The Making of a Catholic President, Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960," by Shaun Casey, 2009, Oxford University Press.
- "Follow Me, What's Next for You?" by Greg L. Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, 2008, the Willow Creek Association, Willow Creek Resources, 67 E. Algonquin Rd, Barrington, IL 60010, willowcreek.com, revealnow.com.
- "Reveal, Where are You?" by Greg L. Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, 2007, Willow Creek Resources, 67 E. Algonquin Rd, Barrington, IL 60010, willowcreek.com, revealnow.com.
- "Grown Up Digital, how the net generation is changing your world," Don Tapscott, McGraw Hill, 2009.
- "unChirstian, What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters," David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons, Baker Books, 2007.
My name is Dwayne Phillips. I live in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington D.C. and attend a congregation in the area. I am a Christian - a follower of Jesus Christ. I claim Jesus as my Lord and Savior and strive to follow His example daily.