Contemplative Bible Reading

Some thoughts about Bible verses

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Entries from November 2013

What to Call Your Town

November 30th, 2013 · No Comments

Isaiah 1:24-26 (New Living Translation) Therefore, the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the Mighty One of Israel, says, “I will take revenge on my enemies and pay back my foes! 25 I will raise my fist against you. I will melt you down and skim off your slag. I will remove all your impurities. […]


Tags: Isaiah · Old Testament

In Praise of Recitation

November 24th, 2013 · No Comments

Psalms 119:3 (New Living Translation) I have recited aloud all the regulations you have given us. This is a good practice – reciting aloud. Perhaps, in days gone by, we used to do this more than we do now. As a child attending a Christian elementary school, we memorized Bible passages and recited them. Note […]


Tags: Old Testament · Psalms

The Poetic Vineyard of the LORD

November 23rd, 2013 · No Comments

Isaiah 5:7 (New Living Translation) The nation of Israel is the vineyard of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. The people of Judah are his pleasant garden. He expected a crop of justice, but instead he found oppression. He expected to find righteousness, but instead he heard cries of violence. Wonderful poetry here. The content is […]


Tags: Isaiah · Old Testament

Accept God’s Gifts

November 17th, 2013 · No Comments

Isaiah 58:13 (New Living Translation) “Keep the Sabbath day holy. Don’t pursue your own interests on that day, but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day. Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day, and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly. The Jews tripped […]


Tags: Isaiah · Old Testament

Simple, Powerful Instructions for Life

November 16th, 2013 · No Comments

Zephaniah 2:3 (New Living Translation) Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow his commands. Seek to do what is right and to live humbly. Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you— protect you from his anger on that day of destruction. There isn’t much to comment on this passage. Tucked away in […]


Tags: Old Testament · Zephaniah

Actions, not Real Estate

November 10th, 2013 · No Comments

Jeremiah 7:4-5 (New Living Translation) 4 But don’t be fooled by those who promise you safety simply because the Lord’s Temple is here. They chant, “The Lord’s Temple is here! The Lord’s Temple is here!” 5 But I will be merciful only if you stop your evil thoughts and deeds and start treating each other […]


Tags: Jeremiah · Old Testament


November 9th, 2013 · No Comments

Ezekiel 20:12 (New Living Translation) And I gave them my Sabbath days of rest as a sign between them and me. It was to remind them that I am the Lord, who had set them apart to be holy. The prophet is relaying the words of the LORD. God gave his people days of rest. […]


Tags: Ezekial · Old Testament

Human Nature and Trust

November 3rd, 2013 · No Comments

John 2:23-25 (New Living Translation) 23 Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. 24 But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. 25 No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like. Verse 24 is a great big OUCH […]


Tags: John · New Testament

A Simple Story

November 2nd, 2013 · No Comments

John 1:9-13 (New Living Translation) 9 The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. 11 He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. 12 But to all who […]


Tags: John · New Testament