Mark 2:28 (New Living Translation)
So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!
Jesus said this about Himself. Most of those listening weren’t happy to hear it. It was blasphemy! This was not a joke. These people were learned and serious, and they came to the correct conclusion given what they knew.
Let’s back up a few steps and consider this.
The Sabbath was (and I believe still is) God’s gift to man. The Sabbath—a time of rest—granted relief from the toils and suffering of life. It lifted the burden of this world from the shoulders of each of us.
Now let’s consider Jesus the one anointed to take away the sins of the world. Jesus is a gift from God that grants relief from the toils and suffering of this sinful life. Jesus lifts the burdens of this world from the shoulders of each of us.
Now let’s toss in some big words: Jesus is the personification of the Sabbath. Jesus is the embodiment of the Sabbath. Jesus is the gift from God that eases our suffering. Jesus is the foremost gift, the supreme gift, the lord of the gifts. Jesus is lord of the Sabbath.
Thank you God.
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