John 19:11 (New Living Translation)
Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.
Jesus is talking to Pilate. Pilate is having one of those days when you ask yourself, “What did I do to deserve this?” Pilate is hanging out in his political job when the Jews, the troublesome lot they are, come screaming to him about a fellow Jew who should be executed. The Jews, conquered and bereft of power, can’t legally execute someone, so they come to you screaming that you kill someone for them.
What a headache. Then this fellow that the Jews want executed looks at you and says the above. These Jews and their religious fairy tales. Why wasn’t I assigned province in Germania or Brittania or somewhere else?
How many days do I go to work or somewhere and shake my head and ask the same question as Pilate? Really, what did I do to deserve…
Well, I did nothing to deserve the blessings from God that I can neither count nor measure. Woe is me? How about…blessed is me. What did I do to deserve these blessings.
Please God, help me in my unbelief.
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