Jeremiah 33:15 (New Living Translation)
15 “In those days and at that time
I will raise up a righteous descendant from King David’s line.
He will do what is just and right throughout the land.
The prophet Jeremiah is passing along a few predictions of the future from God. A new King is coming one day. The new king will be straight from the family line of David. The new king will…
do what is just and right.
Well, that is underwhelming, huh? I mean new infrastructure, better agriculture, treaties with foreign powers, something we can grab and hold and use? What use is this “just and right” business?
And why does God mention “just and right?” Simple. The recent kings and people lived unjust and unrighteous lives. God promises something different, something godly.
I should be a US Senator. Then I could write laws that would ensure just and right living. Perhaps President of the US. That would do it. That would fix things.
Perhaps I should hold a door open for someone and let them go first. Perhaps when a young couple walks by I should pray for them. Perhaps when I see a homeless person I should smile and talk to them. Perhaps I should do what is just and right moment by moment, day by day. I don’t know if any of that will change the world, but perhaps I will be a little more pleasing to God. Perhaps just and right from God through me will do some good.
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