Genesis 6:9 (New Living Translation)
This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.
This begins the (hi)story of Noah, the flood, and the ark full of animals. The earth is full of human wickedness. This is not what God intended with creation. An earlier verse tells us that this broke God’s heart. The sinful rebellion was so bad that it broke God’s heart.
And then there was Noah. Noah found favor with God. Noah lived each day (“walked”) close to God. Noah was blameless—the only such person on the earth.
Noah wanted to be close to God. Therefore, God kept Noah close. While the earth was to be covered with water that would wipe out people, Noah would rise above it all with God. God would provide a big boat to carry Noah safely out of the flood. And God would provide for Noah’s family as well, so Noah would not be alone.
If we want to be close to God, God provides a boat to let us ride above the evil of the world and be close to God. God also provides others of similar hearts to be with us. Just like Noah and the ark and his family and the animals. God, family, creation, and all these things are available to those who wish to be close to God. Please God, help me along.
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