Contemplative Bible Reading

Some thoughts about Bible verses

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Don’t Travel That Road

July 13th, 2024 · No Comments

Proverbs 1:15 (Christian Standard Bible)

15 my son, don’t travel that road with them
or set foot on their path,

The writer is encouraging the reader to avoid the path of all who make profit dishonestly. Those folks are greedy. They want profit so badly that they are trapped by the traps they lay for others.

Life is often simply a series of choices. I choose to go down this road, that road, or some other road. Sometimes I reject all the roads and set off across country. “Across country” is just another road. One that I choose to make, but I didn’t make it. Across country was already there. It was just another road I chose.

Sometimes I can step off the road I have chosen and step onto another road. Sometimes, however, changing roads isn’t possible. Well, I’ll backtrack to a point where I can get off this road.

Well, I can create an excuse or what sounds like an alternative to all these roads I can choose. That’s just me trying to be clever and outsmart the writer of this proverb. Silly me. That doesn’t work.

Choose the right road. God help me choose the right road. And God, please walk with me.

Tags: Old Testament · Proverbs

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