Galatians 2:21 (New Living Translation)
21 I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.
Paul is writing to a group of Christians gathered in Galatia. A long time ago in a place far, far away kind of thing. These are simple words; this topic bends the mind and at times goes far beyond my ability to understand or even question.
Paul emphasizes the importance of grace as it relates to God, Jesus, and mankind. Grace is what saves me. It is a gift from God. That gift was sealed or wrapped up like a present with a ribbon and bow by the sacrifice of Jesus. Grace is superior to following any detailed set of instructions, and I mean DETAILED instructions.
If keeping a set of detailed instructions would make me right with God, why did Jesus die on the cross? This is a question with an obvious answer. The “if” part of the question is false. False proves nothing. Jesus needed to die on the cross because I am unable to appear before God in my natural pathetic state.
There are times when I don’t like any of the above. I’m a pretty good guy. God would accept me, right? I pay my taxes, keep my lawn cut, drive the speed limit, and all those things that society expects of pretty good guys. Unrighteous? Well, that’s a judgement call, huh? Yes, it is a judgement call with God being the judge and oh, uh, er, I am pretty pathetic.
Grace has meaning—a lot of meaning for me. Grace is what saves me from myself. Please God, help me in my unbelief.
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