Ephesians 1:1 (New Living Translation)
This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. I am writing to God’s holy people in Ephesus, who are faithful followers of Christ Jesus.
This begins the letter from Paul to the Christians in Ephesus. Paul says, “I am an apostle” of Christ Jesus. This is one of those introductions of letters. It is a long form of, “Dear Ephesus,” so we can just skip over it without reading or thinking. At least, that is how I usually treat these things.
Note, Paul does not call himself a “disciple;” he calls himself an “apostle.” Disciples are students who follow after a person. Apostles are those persons sent by a person with a message to others. In many ways, an apostle is a teacher.
This is quite simple, but often misunderstood. Paul never followed after Jesus like Peter, James, John, et al did. Paul was, however, sent by God with the message of and about Jesus Christ. Paul was an apostle, not a disciple.
Now I can disagree with others about my descriptive noun. Well, I didn’t follow Jesus around as Jesus walked through Palestine some several thousand years ago. Hence, I am not a literal disciple. If I follow the teachings of Jesus, maybe I qualify as a sort of disciple. I write these little posts sending a message about Jesus. That qualifies me as an apostle, right? Maybe.
Skip the titles for now. Do what I can. Love the people that walk into my path. Look to God. Pray.
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