John 6:63 (New Living Translation)
63 The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Jesus said the above words. The topic is eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. Hey, wait a minute. I mean, I try to be good and do good and avoid bad behavior. That has to be worth something, right? Yes, it is worth something in some respects, but concerning the topic of eternal life, well, nothing.
I don’t like that idea.
Only the Spirit of God gives eternal life. Hmm. Let’s think about that a while. I mean, that’s a deep subject and it sort of gives me a headache when I think too long.
One thing: being kind, loving, and forgiving with other persons is a good thing to be doing. Those actions bring blessings to others. Practice those daily.
Other thing: those actions bring me no closer to eternal life. God brings me eternal life. That is a gift from God.
We live down here on earth with one another. Our actions down here on earth help others down here on earth. Those actions don’t move us “up” to heaven. God pulls us up when we believe in God.
It seems like there should be a stronger connection in all this. That’s my way of thinking. I’m not God. That’s tough to accept on some days. Please God, help me in my unbelief.
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