Contemplative Bible Reading

Some thoughts about Bible verses

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A Rich and Satisfying Life

March 1st, 2025 · No Comments

John 10:10 (New Living Translation)

10 The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Jesus is speaking here. This is part of the tale of the good shepherd and the sheep. The purpose of the thieves is to steal sheep, kill them, and destroy everything. The purpose of Jesus is to give the sheep, i.e., me a rich and satisfying life.

Jesus was and is not a killjoy, i.e., someone whose sole purpose is to make the lives of persons miserable. Instead, the purpose of Jesus is to give us all a rich and satisfying life.

Why do we reject a person who wants us all to have a rich and satisfying life? I can understand how some persons place themselves between a person and Jesus. “You have to satisfy me before I will let you see Jesus!” No. Nope. Not possible.

If someone tells you that you have to go through them to find Jesus, go around that person. Wish them well, but go around them. They don’t represent Jesus.

God, please help me in my unbelief. Please help me go straight to Jesus for the rich and satisfying life. And God, please keep me from blocking another person’s way to Jesus in any and all ways. Don’t let me cause someone to move an inch to approach Jesus.

Tags: John · New Testament

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